5th M.D.T.S. Invitational Colour belt Taekwon-Do Tournament Report
The annual Master Douglas Taekwon-Do Schools tournament on Saturday 26th May was a great success. Over 240 students from 22 clubs were partaking in this friendly co lour belt tournament, which was held in the fantastic hall of the Rosemont School. The first competitors started arriving at 9 a.m., and all competitors and umpires lined up at a quarter to ten. Master Douglas (VIII degree), who organised this tournament, welcomed all parents, students and umpires in a short speech. He introduced Master Franks and Master Stobie (both VII degree), and all 6th degree umpires: Mr Troy, Mr Hannigan and Mr Condon. All competitors received a free water bottle from Ballygowan, of all of 12 years and under were given a participation medal too.
The tournament started at 10 a.m. sharp with the overhead kick for all students under 12, who were divided in 6 categories. They had to jump very high for a medal, as there was no price for second place. Patterns were next on the agenda. Here the tournament was briefly stopped to allow everyone to bow and applaud for the arrival of a V.I.P.; Grand Master O'Toole (IX degree), President of the I.N.T.A., made his entrance and was welcomed by Master Douglas. After the welcome and introductions, the tournament continued over the four rings. Patterns were followed by sparring, and rings were only briefly stopped to allow the umpires to get some lunch. Over the whole day the atmosphere was good and friendly.
The competition ran smoothly, and ended around 3:30 p.m. This allowed everyone to go out on time and enjoy the rest of the sunny weekend. Many thanks to Master Douglas for organising such an enjoyable tournament.