• Comp
    禮儀 Courtesy
  • Kids
    廉耻 Integrity
  • Waist
    忍耐 Perseverance
  • Sev
    克己 Self Control
  • Laughs
    百折不屈 Indomitable Spirit

IIC, Dublin, Ireland – February 2022

With a grateful return to ‘normal’ life, the 151st IIC took place this past weekend in Dublin, opening on Friday 25th and concluding on Sunday 27th February 2022.

Held in the Citywest Hotel in Saggart, Dublin, the event was hosted by the Irish Tae Kwon-Do Association and attended by almost 280 participants, ranging from 1st Degree up to Grand Master level. This particular IIC saw the attendance of 35 Masters and 4 Grand Masters, including Grand Master Val Douglas IX Degree of our own I.N.T.A, Grand Master Frank Van Berghen IX Degree of Belgium, Grand Master Wim Bos IX Degree of Italy and Grand Master Rolfe Becking IX Degree of Germany, with the special guest being ITF President, Grand Master Paul Weiler IX Degree of Germany, who had the honour of declaring the IIC as open.

The event itself was conducted by Grand Master Hector Marano IX Degree of Argentina, Grand Master Ung Kim Lan IX Degree of Germany and Master Jerzy Jedut VIII Degree of Poland. Grand Master Marano and Grand Master Lan put everyone through their paces with an informative and helpful breakdown of all patterns from Chon Ji right the way through to Tong Il, while Master Jedut kept the energy at a high with some fun warming up exercises, various kicking and punching routines and some great and effective self-defence moves.

There was also a special presentation on the Tae Kwon-Do Adapted programme by the Chairperson of the ITF Inclusion Committee and President of AETF, Master Leo Oros Duek VII Degree, which was very informative.

Finally, Saturday saw the Master Promotion Exam at which 4 participants were promoted to VII Degree Master level and 8 participants promoted to VIII Degree.

The IIC closed on Sunday with a declaration from Grand Master Paul Weiler IX Degree and concluded with the usual taking of photos and saying goodbye to old friends and new friends, with a promise to “see you at the next one!”.