• Comp
    禮儀 Courtesy
  • Kids
    廉耻 Integrity
  • Waist
    忍耐 Perseverance
  • Sev
    克己 Self Control
  • Laughs
    百折不屈 Indomitable Spirit

2021 INTA Black Belt Grading


On Saturday 7th of August ,the INTA hosted its national blackbelt grading in the Glenroyal hotel,Maynooth Co. Kildare. This was the first time since the covid 19 pandemic that a black belt grading has taken place. 38 candidates presented themselves for the grading with 21 candidates testing for 1st degree , 8 for 2nd degree ,5 for 3rd degree, 2 for 4th degree and 2 for 6th degree.
Those testing for 1st degree were testing in one room under a grading panel of

    Master Donnelly 7th degree( Panel chair)
    Master Franks 8th degree
    Master Fagan 7th degree
    Master Troy 7th degree
    Mr Ng 6th degree

Those testing for higher dan grades were tested simultaneously in another room under a grading panel of

    GM Douglas 9th degree (president of the INTA)
    GM O Toole 9th degree
    Master Martin 8th degree

Due to the current covid 19 restrictions the grading had to be adapted  to suit the current guidelines. Candidates were tested in fundamental movements ,patterns ,socially distanced 3,2 and 1 step sparring and free sparring. After this candidates were quizzed on theory and then had to perform the power test. After each group had finished their test they were given their results and exited through the back door of the room.


Return to training checklist

What are the requirements, what do you need to have and what would be good to have as you prepare to reopen your club. Here are some questions to ask and the INTA instructors who can help answer and advise you.

Some important points to consider before returning to training:

Are my instructors Garda Vetted?
If not you should contact
Lucia McCarthy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Have I completed Child Safeguarding Training?
Questions on this contact
Mags MacDonagh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Am I COVID Ready?
Questions on this contact
Jeroen Wezelman  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New INTA Vice President

Congratulations to Vice President
Master Terry Donnelly VII

On Sunday 30th May 2021 Master Donnelly was voted by members to become the new Irish National Taekwon-Do Association Vice President. Master Alan Troy was the first to congratulate Master Donnelly and expressed his support. Master Donnelly graciously accepted the position and thanked Master Troy for his expression of support in this close election.

INTA EGM Sunday 30th May

On Sunday 30th May 2021 the new constitution was shared with members.

Following the presentation of the new constitution the solicitor provided the opportunity for any members' questions regarding the new constitution and provided clarification where needed before final vote could be taken.

Any areas that members found confusing or needed any clarification on were fully addressed by the solicitor and ample opportunity was provided to address any areas of concern.

Once the clarification was provided and all questions answered the members voted with a majority to adopt the new constitution.