• Comp
    禮儀 Courtesy
  • Kids
    廉耻 Integrity
  • Waist
    忍耐 Perseverance
  • Sev
    克己 Self Control
  • Laughs
    百折不屈 Indomitable Spirit

Grand Master O'Toole

At the opening ceremony of the ITF World Championships, Master Brendan O'Toole, president of the Irish National Taekwon-Do Association, was awarded the rank of ninth degree by the ITF. The Grand Master rank recognises a lifetime of dedication to the art, to the association, and to its members.
The members of the INTA are very proud to be represented by this great martial artist, and we are delighted to see this recognition of his constant courtesy, integrity, self-control, perseverance and indomitable spirit .


Instructor and Technical Course


Our next INTA Instructors & Technical Course (I.T.C.) will be hosted by Master Brendan O’Toole VIII, Master Val Douglas VIII, Master Gerry Martin VIII & Master Terry Donnelly VII

Saturday 4th November 11am to 4:30pm (9th kup and above)

& Sunday 5th November 10am to 3:30pm  (2nd kup and above)

follow this link for details.

ITF World Championship 2017


Every two years the very best competitors from around the World gather to compete for the honour of being the ITF World Champion. In 2017 Dublin, Ireland plays host to the premier event on the ITF calendar. Come and see the very best our sport has to offer, support your team and join in the action.