• Comp
    禮儀 Courtesy
  • Kids
    廉耻 Integrity
  • Waist
    忍耐 Perseverance
  • Sev
    克己 Self Control
  • Laughs
    百折不屈 Indomitable Spirit

INTA Annual General Meeting 2021

On Sunday 5th December, the INTA hosted its Annual General Meeting in the Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co Kildare. Following the success of the previous day’s Black Belt Grading, INTA instructors from throughout the country met to discuss the past year and plans for 2022.

Over the course of the meeting, there were a number of presentations from Board members including Master Terry Donnelly, Mr Keith Matthews and Mr Liam Carberry. A diverse and exciting calendar of events was discussed with members with the potential for further disruption caused by Covid not being too far from anyone’s thoughts.

There was also a presentation on a future strategy for the association by the incoming President, Master Kevin Hannigan who was elected to serve a 3-year term by the members. Master Hannigan will join the existing team of Master Donnelly, Mr Matthews and Mr Carberry to promote and serve the interests of the INTA’s members at all levels. The first element of this strategy will be the creation of an Instructor’s Forum which will have its first meeting on 29th January

INTA National Black Belt Examination

On Saturday 4th of December, the INTA hosted its National Black Belt grading in the Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. Kildare.

30 candidates presented themselves for the grading with 17 candidates testing for 1st degree and the remainder testing for 2nd through to 6th Degree Black Belt. 26 candidates tested successfully.

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ITC update

Dear Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors.

We are looking forward to hosting the first in-person ITC in almost two years on 6th and 7th November.  The session takes place in Beaumont Taekwon-Do Centre, College of Mercy, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9.

As we now have clarity from the government and Sport Ireland as to the running of sporting events, we are confirming that the ITC will be run according to Sport Ireland’s guidelines. This means that attendance at the ITC is only open to:

  • Adults (18yrs and above) who have a Vaccination certificate or have proof of recovery from Covid; or
  • Anyone aged 17yrs or under.

These restrictions are designed to keep all participants as safe as possible and allow the maximum interaction and engagement during the two days.

As we indicated in our original email, the new format will include workshops for everyone attending along with a series of smaller, focused workshops for senior grades, instructors, assistant instructors and those preparing for gradings. So that we can plan these workshops properly, if you wish to attend on one or both days of the ITC, you must register using the Eventbrite link below no later than Wednesday 3rd November.


Over the course of the ITC, the dedicated workshops will include:

Dedicated pattern sessions for your grade

Drills to supercharge your sparring

Improving grading performance

Building your strength and speed

We look forward to seeing everyone in Beaumont on 6th and 7th November

The Technical Committee.

INTA ITC Dublin 2021

We are delighted to announce that the INTA Technical Committee will be hosting their first in-person ITC in almost two years on 6th and 7th November.  The session takes place in Beaumont Taekwon-Do Centre, College of Mercy, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9.

Over the past few months, the committee of: Master Gerry Martin, Master Terry Donnelly, Master Nicolae Mesina and Master Kevin Hannigan have been designing and developing a new format for the course. The format will include workshops for everyone attending along with a series of smaller, focused workshops for senior grades, instructors, assistant instructors and those preparing for gradings. Further details and a detailed agenda will be released over the coming weeks but the workshops will include:

  • Patterns from Chon-Ji to Tong Il
  • Dedicated pattern sessions for your grade
  • Drills to supercharge your sparring
  • Improving grading performance
  • Building your strength and speed

Over the course of the weekend, everyone will have a chance to work with the members of the Technical Team as well as to the train and engage with colleagues from across the country.

The weekend is open to all those from 4th Kup (Blue Belt) and above.

Instructors have received registration links via email to share with their students.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Beaumont on 6th and 7th November.