Mr. Denis Gannon VI Degree
Dojang: Trabeg Taekwon-Do

1985 Began Training in Sawmill Street TaeKwon-Do Centre
1988 Graded to 1st Degree by Master Norman Creedon
(TaeKwon-Do Federation of Ireland)
1990 Graded to 1st Degree by Master Hee Ill Cho
(Action International Martial Arts Association)
1996 Graded to 2nd Degree by Grandmaster Park Jung Tae
Global TaeKwon-Do GTF
1997 Began as Instructor with Rivers Edge TaeKwon-Do Centre (GTF)
1999 Graded to 3rd Degree by Master Gianni Sarritzu
(Global TaeKwon-Do Federation)
2000 Competed in GTF World Championships, Rimini, Italy.
2001 Attended 2 day seminar with Hapkido Grandmaster Ik Kwan Kim
2004 Graded to 4th Degree by Grandmaster Scott McNeely
United States TaeKwonDo Federation USTF
Word TaeKwon-Do Alliance WTA
International Chang-hon TaeKwon-Do Federation ICTF
Participated in 4 day Instructor seminar (Dallas)
2005 Opened Trabeg TaeKwon-Do
2009 Attended IIC, Benidorm, Spain
2010 Graded to 5th Degree by Master Brendan O'Toole, I.N.T.A. , Dublin
2019 Graded to 6th Degree by Grandmaster Brendan O'Toole, I.N.T.A. , Dublin